This is a test of the emergency interdependence network. Will the collective awaken? Is this the unraveling of society as we know it? Is the pause button working? Has the curve flattened? Who is in charge of the truth? Is the data we are provided reliable? What does it mean to NOT trust science? Who calls the closures, the openings, the shelter in place orders - the president, the governor, the mayor, the minister? Can we question authority without being socially ostracized for not taking care of the collective? We still, we stay - all in the name of protecting each other. What are we really protecting ourselves from?
We have moved from the screen in the cubicle or classroom to the screen in the home office or spare bedroom, if we are lucky enough to have those. How about a therapist seeing patients from her bathrooms! We socially isolate while a virus knocks on the doors of our elders, our infirm. Frontlin-ers - grocery stockers, postal workers, internet providers are keeping us connected and fed. Physicians, nurses, researchers, and all first responders risk their lives to keep us alive and safe. Pearl Buck is quoted as saying, "If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday." I don't want to dwell in yesterday, but I can't help leaning on prophecies that said we humans would be here now. Many cultures called this and have words for this time: orita in Yorubo, the narrows from an Abenaki educator, the 7th prophecy from the Ojibwe, and how about the road less traveled from Vermont's very own Robert Frost. It is time to say good-bye to our old ways. I have dozens of questions and no answers. I am trying to be ok with that. Comments are closed.
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